Christian Saints
Saints Primary Patronage Feast Days Other Patronages Notes
Agatha Breast disorders 5th February Bell founders
Agnes Young girls 21st January Chastity, Betrothed couples, Gardeners, Bodily purity
Agricola of Avignon Misfortune 2nd September Avignon
Aldegonda Cancer 30th January
Aloysius Gonzaga Teenagers 21st June
Ambrose Bees 7th December
Andrew Fishermen 30th November Scotland, Russia
Anne Pregnancy 26th June
Antoninus of Florence Fever 10th May
Antony of Padua Lost property 13th June Brazil, Portugal
Apollonia Dentists 9th February
Augustine of Hippo Theologians 28th August Brewers, Printers
Barbara Lightning 4th December Miners, Gunners
Bartholomew Tanners 24th August
Benedict Schoolchildren 11th July Europe, Farmworkers, Coppersmiths, The dying formerly 21st March
Benedict Joseph Labre Homelessness 16th April
Bernadette Shepherds 16th April
Bernard of Montjoux Mountaineers 28th May Travellers in the Alps
Beuno Sick children 21st April
Bibiana Hangovers 2nd December
Blaise Wild animals 3rd February Wool combers
Blessed Virgin Mary Motherhood 2nd February Purification
25th March Annunciation
2nd July Visitation
15th August Assumption
8th September Nativity
8th December Immaculate conception
Brendan the Navigator Whales 16th May
Bridget of Sweden Healers 23rd July   formerly 8th October
Camillus de Lellis Nurses 14th July
Catald Plague 10th May Taranto
Catherine of Alexandria Millers 25th November Young girls, Philosophers, Nurses, The dying, Wheelwrights, Spinners
Catherine of Siena Protection from fire 29th April Siena, Italy (with St. Francis of Assisi) formerly 30th April
Cecilia Musicians 22nd November
Christopher Safe travel 25th July
Clare of Assisi TV writers 11th August Embroiderers formerly 12th August
Columba Poets 9th June
Cosmas & Damian Doctors 26th September Surgeons, Pharmacists, Barbers, Hairdressers
Crispin & Crispinian Cobblers 25th October Shoemakers
David Doves 1st March Wales
Dismas Prisoners under sentence of Death 25th March Thieves, Undertakers
Dunstan Goldsmiths 19th May Jewellers, Locksmiths
Dymphna Mental illness 15th May Sleepwalkers
Edmund of East Anglia Wolves 20th November
Elizabeth of Portugal War 4th July
Elmo Sailors 2nd June
Eloi Jewellers 1st December Blacksmiths, Farriers, Goldsmiths
Eustace Hunters 20th September   in the West
Eustace Hunters 2nd November   in the East
Expeditus Prompt solutions 19th April Merchants, Navigators
Faith Pilgrims 6th October Soldiers, Prisoners
Felicity Women wanting sons 23rd November
Ferdinand III of Castile Engineers 30th May Rulers, Governors, Magistrates, The poor, Prisoners, Seville
Fiacre Gardeners 30th August Hosiers, Cab drivers
Florian Floods 4th May Linz (in Upper Austria), Those in danger from fire
Frances of Rome Safe motoring 9th March Widows
Francis of Assisi Ecologists 4th October Italy, Assisi, Animals, Animal welfare societies
Francis of Paola Safe seafaring 2nd April
Friard Fear of wasps 1st August
Gabriel the Archangel Diplomats 29th September Telecommunications, Television, Radio, Postal services, Stamp collectors formerly 24th March
Gall Birds 16th October
Genesius Actors & Comedians 25th August
Geneviève Disasters 3rd January Paris
George Soldiers 23rd April Armourers, Butchers, Saddlers, Boyscouts, Venice, Germany, Genoa, Portugal, Catalonia, Greece, England
Gereon Migraine 10th October
Gertrude of Nivelles Fear of rats & mice 17th March Travellers, Pilgrims
Giles Breast feeding 1st September The physically disabled, Beggars, Blacksmiths, Woods, Edinburgh
Gratus of Aosta Fear of insects 7th September
Gregory the Great Singers 3rd September
Gregory the Wonderworker Earthquake 17th November
Hippolytus Horses 13th August
Homobonus Business people 13th November Tailors, Clothworkers
Honoratus Bakers 16th May Confectioners
Hubert of Liège Dogs 30th May Hunters, Trappers
Hugh of Lincoln Swans 17th November
Ignatius of Antioch Sore throats 17th October
Ivo Lawyers 19th May Abandoned children, Brittany
James the Great Rheumatism 25th July
Januarius Volcanic eruptions 19th September Naples
16th December
Jerome Students 30th September
Jerome Emiliani Orphans & Abandoned children 8th February
John Bosco Boys 31st January Editors, Apprentices
John of God The sick 8th March Booksellers, Printers
John of Nepomuk Discretion 16th May Bohemia, Czechoslovakia, Bridges, Running water, Silence
John the Apostle Writers 27th December Theologians, Publishers
John the Baptist Lambs 29th August Baptism, The monastic life, The Knights Hospitaller
John-Baptist de la Salle Teachers of boys 7th April
Joseph Fatherhood & Families 19th March Carpenters, Bursars, Engineers, House hunters, Manual workers
1st May
Joseph of Copertino Astronauts & Pilots 18th September
Jude Lost causes 28th October
Julian the Hospitaller Publicans 12th February Boatmen, Travellers
Justa & Ruffina Potters 19th July Seville
Justin Philosophers 1st June Apologists
Kea Toothache 5th November
Kentigern Salmon 13th January   also known as Mungo
Kevin Blackbirds 3rd June
Lambert of Maastricht Surgeons 17th September
Laurence Cooks 10th August Brewers, Confectioners, Cutlers, Armourers, Schoolboys, Students, Washer women, Glaziers
Leonard of Noblac Imprisonment 6th November Childbirth
Lucy Blindness 13th December Glaziers, Cutlers
Luke Painters 18th October Physicians, Surgeons, Sculptors
Madron Cures from pain 17th May
Margaret of Antioch Birth 20th July Safe childbirth in the West
13th July in the East
Margaret of Cortona Despairing prostitutes 22nd February
Maria Goretti Girls 6th July
Mark Lions 25th April
Martha Housewives 29th July Innkeepers, Cooks, Servants, Lay sisters
Martin de Porres Racial harmony 5th November Social justice, Public education, Television, Public health (Peru), People of mixed race
Martin of Tours Impoverishment 11th November Soldiers, Horses, Riders, Geese, Wine growers
Mary Magdalene Repentant prostitutes 22nd July The contemplative life, Penitent sinners
Matthew Accountants 21st September Tax collectors, Customs officers, Security guards
Maurice Weavers & Dyers 22nd September Soldiers
Maximillian Kolbe Political Imprisonment 14th August
Médard Bad weather 8th June
Michael the Archangel Grocers & Supermarket workers 29th September Battle, Security forces, Paratroopers, Radiologists & radiotherapists, The dying
Monica Wives 27th August Mothers
Neot Fish 31st July
Nicholas of Myra Children 6th December Sailors, Unmarried girls, Merchants, Pawnbrokers, Apothecaries, Russia also known as Santa Claus
Nicholas of Tolentino Infants 10th September The dying, Souls in purgatory
Noktar Balbulus Stammering children 7th May Musicians formerly 6th April
Osmund Paralysis 4th December
Ouen Deafness 24th August
Pancras Cramp 12th May Children
Patrick Fear of snakes 17th March Ireland
Paul Snakebite 29th June
Paula Widows 26th January
Perpetua Cows 7th March
Peter Longevity 29th June The Church, the Papacy
Peter Claver Slavery 9th September Missions to native Africans
Phocas Market-gardeners 23rd July Sailors
Polycarp Earache 23rd February
Raymond Nonnatus Childbirth 31st August Midwives, Children, Pregnant women
Rita Matrimonial problems 22nd May Desperate causes, parenthood
Roch Epidemics 16th August
Rose of Lima Florists 23rd August Peru, Gardeners, Central & South America, the Philippines, India
Sebald Cold weather 19th August
Sebastian Archers 20th January Athletes, Soldiers
Stanislaus Kostka Broken bones 13th November
Stephen Headaches 26th December Deacons
Swithin Drought 2nd July
the Four Crowned Martyrs Stonemasons 8th November
the Martyrs of Paraguay Native traditions 17th November
Theodore of Sykeon Reconciling unhappy marriages 22nd April
Theresa of Lisieux Missionaries 1st October France, Florists, Flower growers
Thomas Architects 3rd July Builders
Thomas Aquinas Academics 28th January Roman Catholic schools, Colleges, Universities, Booksellers, Philosophers, Theologians, Pencil makers formerly 7th March
Turibius Native rights 23rd March
Ursula & her companions Teachers of girls 21st October
Valentine Love 14th February
Vincent de Paul Charitable giving 27th September   formerly 19th July
Vincent Ferrer Builders 5th April
Vitus Dancers 15th June Actors, Comedians
Walburga Famine 25th February
Wenceslas Brewers 28th September the Czech Republic, Bohemia, Moravia
Wilgefortis Unhappy marriages 20th July
Wolfgang Stomach troubles 31st October
Zeno of Verona Babies 12th April
Zita Losing keys 27th April Maidservants
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