Search Engines

Here are some of the major search engines in common use on the web...

Engine Notes
Altavista also includes language translation services.
Askjeeves Handles "Free text" questions
Dejanews now part of google
Google Very popular, and used as the core of many other search engine sites.


Searches by Google, but with extra facilities for managing the results of your search.  These are not obvious until you hover the mouse over a results link.  Probably more useful if you are seriously researching a complex project than casual queries.
NorthernLight Divides your search results up into subject-based folders on screen, allowing you to identify the ones most relevant to you more easily.
Teoma Calculates "relevance" differently from others - may help if other engines are finding too many irrelevant sites for your query.
Vivisimo Sorts results into categories, so that you waste less time looking at "wrong" meanings of the words you entered.
Yahoo Uses Google as search core
uk.Yahoo UK & Eire section

At present, there are several thousand search engines on the web - if the ones above do not meet your needs, try The Search Engine Guide - it lists thousands of search engines, including specialist search engines for particular subjects.


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